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the positive points of Internet Slices

Internet Responsibilities Providing
information, knowledge and learning The Internet includes an endless amount of information that allows a person to identify any subject. A person can ask a question and answer it on a web page using search engines such as Google. YouTube also provides many videos that explain topics Various courses, as well as courses to help learn many topics that can be joined online. [1] Speed ​​of communication The Internet is the best way to communicate with people. You can communicate with anyone else in the world. Video conferences, chat, and messaging services can be used to increase personal and interactive communication. And the Internet has provided a platform for exploring other ideologies and cultures.
[2] Marketing and Money Making The Internet is the perfect place to sell most of the goods. The largest number of people can be reached compared to retail stores , As well as the Internet to display the goods around the clock and seven days of the week, in addition to giving companies the possibility to advertise their services or products to the world or to customize a specific category they want to access. [1]
 Internet Addictions Addiction and waste of time Games and other entertainment on the Internet source For addiction, where you can spend a lot of time easily on the Internet without doing anything useful, and also while doing useful things distracting something else, which leads to consumption all the time in the end.
[3] Loneliness Two studies found that there is a close link between the repeated use of the Internet And [4] Piracy The Internet is an easy way for hackers and computers to steal personal information. The Internet also connects all computers to each other, making it easier for hackers to scan millions of computers and identify hacked devices. Quickly. [3]


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