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The benefits of media

Media benefits Media is an important part of people's lives at the present time and has several benefits, including: [1] Culture, the media gives information and culture to people by watching radio and television programs and other media, where their information is enriched in many areas such as: Health, environment, and others. Knowing the news, a person can learn the news very quickly and wherever he is, because of the media that quickly publish news about events around the world. Through the media, everyone can display their talents, such as comedy, acting and singing. Promotional advertising Media plays a big role in promoting different products through advertising, which leads to increased sales of products. An entertainment source, people can get entertainment by watching music or television programs, for example. Spreading cultures, media makes it more easy to cultivate cultures or to obtain information about a specific culture than the cultural practices of different peoples. Understanding people to each other helps the media to be more open to others, understand and accept their differences. Children's media benefits Different media can have a positive impact on children, especially if good content is selected for the child to see, and is guided by media choices about age, and the media's advantages for children: [2] literacy skills, Directing the child to watch certain programs that teach him to learn the alphabet, or through educational games and various technological applications. Social skills, the child can learn how to deal with others and cooperate with them by watching different programs and games that show the appropriate social behaviors depending on the situation. Intellectual benefits Children can benefit from the media in developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as developing moral thinking, by making them play games designed to develop thinking, documentaries, and family-oriented films. Educational benefits The child's information can be enriched by watching educational television programs and documentaries. Creativity The various media may be a source of inspiration for the child, influenced by his art, music, and others, as well as the development of his imagination skills. Political and Social Awareness At the age of adolescence, children benefit from the political and social information they see in news or documentaries to increase their political and social awareness. Dissemination of ideas The various media enable a person to spread his ideas and information to a large number of people. This helps people who have a specific message and need to be directed and made heard by others. Ideas and things that are published in the media vary. A group of people or even an organization, and ways to publish an issue at the local level, for example: local newspapers or local radio or television, in addition to the Internet, which is part of the modern media.


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